Alexander Vollmar ئاپەکان

Berlin – Boroughs & Localities 2.1.1
Alexander Vollmar
The app determines the borough of Berlin and the locality where youare.
Historical Atlas Berlin 1.1.2
Alexander Vollmar
This unique app takes you for a virtual promenade through thehistoric Berlin! The app is based on the maps from Johann MariusFriedrich Schmidt, Historischer Atlas von Berlin, in VI Grundrissennach gleichem Maasstabe; von 1415 bis 1800. (Historical Atlas ofBerlin, in VI ground plots at the same scale; 1415 to 1800.)Published by Simon Schropp & Comp., Berlin 1835. The historicalmaps can be used offline, i.e. without an Internet connection. Atoday's map (the OpenStreetMap) can be displayed to compare the sixmaps of the atlas with the present situation. If you are inside thearea of the historical atlas the app determines your location andshows it on the map. ♥ We are very happy about positive ratings,comments and recommendations and - of course - the purchase of"Historical Atlas Berlin pro"!
Historical Atlas Berlin pro 1.1.0
This unique app takes you for a virtualpromenade through the historic Berlin!The app is based on the maps fromJohann Marius Friedrich Schmidt,Historischer Atlas von Berlin, in VI Grundrissen nach gleichemMaasstabe; von 1415 bis 1800.(Historical Atlas of Berlin, in VI ground plots at the same scale;1415 to 1800.)Published by Simon Schropp & Comp., Berlin 1835.This atlas consists of maps that illustrate Berlin in the years1415, 1648, 1688, 1720, 1740 and 1802.The historical maps can be used offline, i.e. without aninternet connection.A today's map (the OpenStreetMap) can be displayed to compare thesix maps of the atlas with the present situation.If you are inside the area of the historical atlas the appdetermines your location and shows it on the map.With 'Berlin 1415 - 1802 pro' you can enjoy a completely ad-freeversion of the app and support the development of this and otherprojects.
Frankfurt historically
Alexander Vollmar
This unique app takes you for a virtual promenade through thehistoric Frankfurt
1A Unit Converter
Alexander Vollmar
1A Unit Converter - powerful and easy to use - with a beautifuluser interface!
1A Unit Converter pro 2.0.17
Alexander Vollmar
A powerful and easy to use unit converter app with a beautiful userinterface.
Hamburg – Historical Atlas 1.1.1
Alexander Vollmar
This unique app takes you for a virtual promenade through thehistoric Hamburg! The app is based on the maps from Atlas zurGeschichte Hamburgs (Atlas on the History of Hamburg) by ErnstHeinrich Wichmann. Published by Herold'sche Buchhandlung, Hamburg1889. The Atlas comprises six maps of which are all presented bythis app. The historical maps can be used offline, i.e. without anInternet connection. A today's map (the OpenStreetMap) can bedisplayed to compare the maps of the atlas with the presentsituation. If you are inside the area of the historical atlas theapp determines your location and shows it on the map. ♥ We are veryhappy about positive ratings, comments and recommendations and - ofcourse - the purchase of "Hamburg – Historical Atlas pro"!
Hamburg – Historical Atlas pro 1.1.1
Alexander Vollmar
A virtual walk on historic maps through the history of Hamburg
Calculator SR1 1.0.16
Alexander Vollmar
New! This app is a photorealistic simulation of the "SchulrechnerSR1", a pocket calculator made in GDR (German Democratic Republic /East Germany). Compared to the original calculator only the framesaround the entire device and around the display were reduced forreasons of space. The app comprises numerous of frequently usedfunctionalities and obeys the "order of operations". The keys giveoptical (key color), acoustic (key sounds) and haptic (vibration ofthe device) feedback. Furthermore, the back and an interior view ofthe original calculator can be displayed (completely withoutfunction 😀). The "Schulrechner SR1" was a pocket calculator with aliquid crystal display (LCD), which was manufactured by VEBMikroelektronik "Wilhelm Pieck" Mühlhausen (Publicly OwnedOperation Microelectronics "Wilhelm Pieck" in Mühlhausen /Thuringia). The SR1 was subsidized for students and identicallydistributed on trade as "MR 609". It was produced from the early1980s and used in schools since the school year 1984/85. The booksfor teaching mathematics in the GDR referred to this calculator.Features: • Basic arithmetic operations: Addition, subtraction,multiplication, division and the calculation of powers (the orderof operations is observed!) • Root, square, percent and reciprocalfunctions • Trigonometric functions: sine (sin), cosine (cos),tangent (tan), as well as the corresponding inverse functionsarcsine (arcsin), arccosine (arccos) and arctangent (arctan);angles can be entered in degrees (DEG), radians (RAD) or gradian(gon) (GRD) • Logarithmic functions: Natural logarithm (ln) andcommomn logarithm (lg), as well as their inverse functions (i.e.power to base e and 10, respectively) • π (Pi) • Memory functions •Exponential representation Operation notes: • By tapping thedisplay, the displayed value is copied to the clipboard (and isavailable for further use in other apps). • Swiping from the leftedge to the inside, the menu is displayed: Here you can find amongother information the settings for the sounds played by the app andthe vibration. Use the Calculator SR1 as your daily tool for allyour calculations! We are very happy about positive ratings,comments and recommendations and - of course - the purchase of"Calculator SR1 pro" The "Calculator SR1" is part of a series ofhistorical pocket calculators: The two others are Calculator MR 610and Bolek Calculator. Languages of this app: English, Spanish,French, Italian, Portuguese, German
Calculator SR1 pro 1.0.17
Alexander Vollmar
Calculator SR1 pro - A simple calculator for everyday-use!
Bolek Calculator pro 1.0.8
Alexander Vollmar
Bolek - A beautiful and simple calculator in the design of the 70s
Berlin – Divided City 2.1.1
Alexander Vollmar
Shows the course of the Berlin Wall and your location on a map.
Calculator MR 610 pro 1.0.20
Alexander Vollmar
Calculator MR 610 pro — A retro calculator for everyday-use!
Frankfurt historically pro
Alexander Vollmar
This unique app takes you for a virtual promenade through thehistoric Frankfurt